Rapidash was my main fire-type Pokémon in the days of Blue but after my friend put me off it by saying it's an "overgrown version of My Little Pony", I decided to make my redesign more cool!
I started off with a few studies of horses to get used to the shape then experimented with various patterns:
^ Original pattern designs.
Norse ---- Techno ---- Maori
In the end I went for the Norse design with the hair from the Maori version.
Rapidash, I choose you!
Coincidently, the background is one of the textures I gathered from my burnt down car. Yup.....fire-type Pokémon with a fire-induced backdrop..... -_-;;
Hope you like it! It's also been entered to CGHub's 2D Creature Planet contest. It's my first time entering one on that forum and there are some nice entries there already~