
Oxford Fashion Week A/W 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

After attending the S/S show in March and sharing my sketches, I was invited to the Birds of Paradise show last Saturday, where I sketched live during the reception and catwalk.


These were displayed and up for sale during the show.

Livingstone's Turaco
Mixed media on A3 Bristol paper.

Red Bird of Paradise
Mixed media on A3 Bristol paper.
Mini business cards (courtesy of moo.com) were placed into
everyone's goodie bags. I also prepared some Thank You cards for anyone who
buys original artwork from me, complete with an authentic wax seal stamp.

Catwalk Sketches

These were really quick! Maybe 10 seconds max, then some more scribbling based on memory before the next model showed up. I'll be working these up like the ones from last year once I get photo reference from the photographers and they will all be available to buy (approx. 9.5x8" white paper).

My grey marker was running low and it really light, so I had to darken the scans. If you'd like to reserve one as it is, please email me the reference number ASAP at info [at] naomihoang.com before I add more to it.

Apologies to those who wanted to see them during the After Party, but my things were packed away in the storage cupboard and the lighting in the club was too dark to see them anyway.

BoPcwIS 0

BoPcwIS 1

BoPcwIS 2

BoPcwIS 3

BoPcwIS 4

BoPcwIS 5

BoPcwIS 6

BoPcwIS 7

BoPcwIS 8

BoPcwIS 9

BoPcwIS 10

BoPcwIS 11

BoPcwIS 12

I'll update this post when they're finished.


These are just from my phone. There were photographers everywhere but they're still being organised atm.

Setting up before guests arrive for the reception.

Photo by fashion designer Julia Chew.
Check out her work, it's beautiful: http://xiaolindesign.com/
Live jazz band! There was also a cocktail bar courtesy of
The Varsity Club, where we had the After Party.

The models were too busy for me to draw before the show,
so I drew the t-rex skeleton instead. xD

That's a wrap! I had a brilliant time and am grateful that they invited me to the show. Fingers crossed I'll be at future ones too. ;)

Thanks for reading,
Naomi xxx

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