
Speedpainting: Week #1

Friday, November 08, 2013

I've decided to start the working day with a 30-min speedpaint as a warm up.



I found this one quite tricky. Maybe I should theme weeks 
so I can work on things like structure more...

Back to Nature for the rest of this week.
Overshot by about 20 mins - oops.

Ugh, you can tell it's Friday...guess I can't 
expect to be on the ball all the time. :/
I've learnt that overcast lighting is deceptive! Must study more...

They're mostly pics I nabbed from Google Images to do a study of. I've found that since doing this, my confidence in painting and work stuff has gone up and that I generally find it easier to do. Best keep this going then. :)

Interiors next week, methinks.

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  1. Hey Naomi, these are looking great. They're useful for showing weak areas like capturing overcast lighting so you know where to improve. Well I find that kind of thing useful, you can't get better if you can't see where you need to improve ;)

    There's nothing wrong with using internet reference for painting, I don't think Wales has many desert dunes and Arctic mountains :)
    I learned a lot about lighting from adding other elements into internet photos to make new compositions, a method that might help you in later on studies.

    Looking forward to next weeks speed paintings.


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